The DAM Research Mission sustainMare

The research mission SustainMare consists
of two pilot missions and five collaborative
projects. Several institutional partners from
science and also from public authorities as
well as societal partners work together in
each project. In addition, many stakeholders
are directly or indirectly involved in the work.
SustainMare and its projects

The pilot missions
Two pilot missions investigate the change in seabed habitats, which are heavily influenced by human use, as well as their development after the exclusion of mobile ground-contact fisheries (MGF) in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

investigates these changes and developments in MPAs within the German exclusive economic zone of the North Sea. The project is managed by the Alfred Wegener Institute List/Sylt.

investigates these changes and developments in MPAs within the German exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea. The project is managed by the Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde.
The collaborative projects
The collaborative projects are divided into three different Themes. They deal with the development of concepts for the reduction and avoidance of human-made pressures on marine ecosystems as well as with the model-based investigation of future scenarios and options.
Theme I
Three projects are involved in Theme I. Concepts for reducing the impact of human-made pressures and uses on marine ecosystems and biodiversity are being developed.

investigates the effects of climate change, fisheries and invasive species on the coastal ecosystems of the Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Parks. The project is managed by the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park Office.

deals with the development of scientific and political knowledge to help small coastal fisheries of the western Baltic Sea into a sustainable future. At the same time, the protection of biodiversity, tourism and offshore energy production is taken into account. The project is managed by the Kiel University.

develops concepts to reduce the impact of human-made pressures on and uses of marine ecosystems and biodiversity. The project is managed by the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.
Theme II
The CONMAR project is working on Theme II. The theme deals with the development of concepts to avoid marine pollution.

aims to integrate both existing and new data on marine ammunition, to gain expertise and knowledge and to improve our scientific understanding of the impact of marine ammunition in the environment. Political solutions are developed in consultation with interest groups. The project is managed by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.
Theme III
The project CoastalFuture is working on Theme III. The theme deals with the model-based investigation of coastal scenarios.

develops innovative modeling tools to study future usage scenarios and the impact of climate change. The project is managed by the Helmholtz-Centre Hereon.
Map of the project areas

Map of project areas, © J. Greinert, S. Ehlers, K. Hoppe